Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the week so far...

I got a 2 on my midterm! The Austrian grading system is number based 1 through 5, and 1 is the best. According to UMaine standards a 2= a B+. wooo! Pretty proud I pulled that off, it was a hard test!

Not too much to update on really. This weekend I went to the Mozarts Geburtshaus (Mozart's birth house) because Sunday was free museum day. Almost every major museum in the city was free for entry, just for that one day. Nobody else wanted to go out really (it was raining) so I had to go by myself but I was glad I went. I saw: Mozart's first violin, a piece of his hair, and of course the house where he was born. The funny part is that Mozart didn't really like Salzburg..he much preferred Vienna, Austria. But the City of Salzburg makes a lot of money off of him, so there the museums will stay!

I didn't really run for the last couple of days because my leg was sore but I'm going running after I finish writing this and doing laundry which is halfway done now...I was almost out of socks, so it was time to do some. Plus I need clean clothes for Paris!! We're leaving on Friday morning, taking a train to Munich, and then flying to Paris! Finally I don't have to travel alone somewhere..Paige and Erin are traveling from Salzburg with me, and we're meeting Kris in Paris. So far I think we all want to go to most of the same places, so that's convenient for sure. I also have to do a little bit of homework for Thursday, but for the most part I've worked ahead and don't even have anything due for next week! It will be a fun weekend to get away from school again :)

Last night Ashley, Erin and I made steak and cheese subs out of hamburger I guess it wasn't technically steak but it was still yummy. And we had french fries with it. I feel like I haven't eaten anything that greasy in a while! Although Austrian food, traditionally, is really greasy, I haven't had any Austrian meals in a while..but, next Monday Gisela will be here and we're all going out to dinner together, pretty sure the program is paying :) I'm so excited to see her!

Today is the nicest day of the week here so far, sunny and 75! I don't want to jinx anything but the weather for Paris looks pretty good so far..we'll see how it turns out! One of the few conversations I had with my roommate, since we barely talk, she told me I'll love Paris. I'm hoping she's right, she is from France after all!

For the past couple days a few people were in bad moods..little things kept piling up. It can get really annoying being around angry people all the time..but things are looking up now I think, the weather really does have a big effect on mood..drives me nuts! The rain is a downer, but still..we're in Austria people :) Sometimes it feels like I'm going to get home and feel like all of this was a dream, I still can't believe I'm here sometimes and we're over halfway through. I have mixed feelings about leaving..I'm excited to see family and friends but really sad because I'll miss being here :(

Well, I'm going to go get some more things done, hope it's sunny back in the US!

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